
Internet Governance Forum (IGF)


A2K & Freedom of Expression:

30 October – 2 November 2006
Athens, Greece

NEW: Webpage for A2K@IGF Dynamic Coalition

Workshop Date: 2 November, 2006Venue: Divani Apollon Palace & Spa (Aphrodite Hall)

Wiki for Workshop (with speaker bios and notes)

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“Harnessing the Power of the Internet to Provide Access to Knowledge & Free Flow of Information”

A workshop to explore significant opportunities and barriers to harnessing the power of the Internet to provide access to knowledge and encourage freedom of expression and the free flow of information. In particular, the workshop will focus on the appropriate balance for intellectual property rights on the Internet and their impact on free speech and access to knowledge.

Workshop Speakers:

* Susan Struble from IT Standardization and Strategy at Sun Microsystems will address challenges to technical interoperability and the free flow of information on the Internet from software patents.

* Dr. Magdy Nagi from Egypt’s Library of Alexandria (Bibliotheca Alexandrina) will discuss the needs of online libraries to provide access to information and encourage development.

* Dirk Voorhoof a Professor at Ghent University and Copenhagen University, member of Legal Human Academy and expert of the Council of Europe will discuss international human rights conventions and their relationship to intellectual property law, access to knowledge, and freedom of expression.

* Mary Wong, a Professor of Law at Franklin Pierce Law Center and the IP Academy of Singapore will address special online challenges to freedom of expression and access to knowledge from “digital locks”.

* Cristiano Berbert from the Government of Brazil will discuss efforts in the developing countries to provide access to knowledge and promote free expression.

* Andrew McLaughlin, Head of Global Public Policy at Google will address the barriers Google faces in providing access to knowledge from unbalanced copyright law.

* Robin Gross, Executive Director of IP Justice will Chair the session.

Workshop Sponsors:
Association for Progressive Communications (APC)
Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility – Peru
Consumer Project on Technology (CPTech)
Egypt’s Library of Alexandria (Bibliotheca Alexandrina)
Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)
Electronic Information for Libraries (eIFL)
Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE)
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
IP Justice (IPJ)
South Centre Innovation, Access to Knowledge and Intellectual Property
Programme (IAIPP)

Sun Microsystems
Third World Network (TWN)