A2K@IGF Dynamic Coalition

A coalition of NGO’s, business and governments concerned about the impact of unbalanced intellectual property rights on access to knowledge and freedom of expression formed the "A2K@IGF Dynamic Coalition".

The purpose of the A2K@IGF Dynamic Coalition is to support and expand access to knowledge and promote freedom of expression in the realm of information and communication technology.

A2K@IGF grew out of a workshop that took place at the 2006 IGF meeting in Athens called "Harnessing the Power of the Internet to Provide Access to Knowledge and the Free Flow of Information" (videos of workshop).

Info on the workshop that A2K@IGF will hold at IGF-Rio on 14 November 2007 (4:30-6:00) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil is here.

A2K@IGF maintains a website here and a mailing list here.

A2K@IGF Written Contribution on 14 May 2007 on 2007 IGF Rio meeting plans.

Statements of A2K@IGF Dynamic Coalition at IGF Open Consultations on 13 Feb. 2007 here and on 23 May 2007 here.

Photos and blog about A2K@IGF dinner at Yale A2K2 Conference on 28 April 2007 here.

The focus of the A2K@IGF Dynamic Coalition is on the following issues:

1. Developing best practice norms for:

a. limitations and exceptions to copyright, patents and other intellectual property rights;

b. third-party liability for intellectual property infringements;

c. implementation of anti-circumvention provisions in 1996 WIPO "Internet Treaties" and other international agreements;

d. on-line access to scholarly research, government funded research, and essential documents such as legal information;

e. the support of alternative business models for creating knowledge goods, including free and open source software, or open scholarly and scientific journals; and f. protecting freedom of expression and cultural diversity in issues relating to intellectual property rights.

2. Coordinating participation and awareness of A2K activities such as the WIPO Development Agenda including the proposal for an Access to Knowledge Treaty at WIPO.


Current Members of A2K@IGF:

Association for Progressive Communications

Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility – Peru

Council of Europe

Egypt’s Library of Alexandria (Biblotheca Alexandrina)

Electronic Frontier Foundation

Electronic Information for Libraries

Free Software Foundation Europe


Google, Inc.

International Federation of Library Association

IP Academy of Singapore

IP Justice

Knowledge Ecology International (formerly CPTech)

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Kuwait Information Technology Society

Member of European Parliament Marco Cappato

Panos London

South Centre Innovation, Access to Knowledge and Intellectual Property Programme

Yale Law School Information Society Project

Below video of IP Justice Executive Director at Access to Knowledge and Free Expression workshop in Athens, Greece, November 2006:

A2K-related posts on IP Justice