World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)


The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) (or "OMPI" in French) is the United Nations Specialized Agency charged with making treaties related to intellectual property rights.  Member States then implement the treaties into their own national laws.

Present activities of WIPO include the Development Agenda, which is an effort to reform WIPO’s norms and practices, and possible treaties on Database Rights, Indigenous Knowledge, Patents, Trademarks, Limitations and Exceptions to Copyright, and Intellectual Property Enforcement.

IP Justice is accredited to participate at WIPO as a "Permanent Observer" to the General Assembly and the Standing Committee on Copyrights and Related Rights (SCCR).

Read the article on WIPO by Robin Gross in the 2007 Global Information Society Report.

 "Geneva Declaration" for the future of WIPO

 A large coalition of academics, scientists, attorneys, activists, and policy makers (including IP Justice) have issued a “Declaration for the Future of WIPO” in an effort to bring balance and reform to WIPO. Many language versions available at the webpage of CPTech, who spear-headed the initiative.